We are celebrating the X year in a row of Integral Conferences in Spain. It is a real achievement to have made them all in a row, without stopping one single year. And I can assure you that I created them in 2003, that it hasn't been easy. And yet, here we are having DON BECK , the promoter of Spiral Dynamics from Clare Graves, as a speaker and also KEN WILBER himself making a Q&A session during one hour and a half.
The Conference is free of charge, and I will be giving a one hour lecture, making a little bit of history of this decade, bits and pieces of a wonderful adventure with more than 115 speakers, 1.500 attendees and many many hours of inspiration and good Integral Consciousness.
Now I leave you here with the Pre-Conference Interview that Ken, so generously gave me to attract people to this year's Integral Conference. ¡¡¡ Enjoy it¡¡¡