
sábado, 29 de septiembre de 2012


I herewith leave you the wonderful parragraphs that my dear friend Ken Wilber agreed (with his always awesome generosity) to create for the celebration of the X birthday of the Spanish Integral International Conferences that I firstly organized in 2003 at the Psychology Faculty of the Complutense University of Madrid, with the attendance of around 250 people,  with just one person helping me, selling books and with 13 speakers. Please check the following site for Program and information of the venue. 

This year, the Conference will be dedicated to the "Integral Methodological Pluralism" and the contribution that such a consciousness may have in the present crisis.

Don Beck will be present as a speaker (among others, including myself) and Ken Wilber will share one hour and a half of his time to respond questions of the attendees. We will be having a party to celebrate afterwards.

The Conference is free and everybody is welcome to come. It is being organized by the Directive Board of the Spanish Integral Association (that I also founded in 2005 and left its presidency in 2008).  On Monday starts a two days seminar with Don Beck on the Spiral Dynamic Integral consciouesness.

Welcoming Words from Ken Wilber to the Celebration of the
X Spanish Integral Conference (2012)

I want to welcome everybody to this 10th year Integral Conference, and congratulate my Spanish colleagues for doing this now for 10 years in a row!  That is quite a feat.  And it fits with what I see one of the main currents in Integral that has developed, namely, its accelerate speed in transmission around the world.  The recent European Integral Conference—attended by some 21 countries—is another wonderful example.  The Integral current, getting its initial start in the States, is now truly a world-wide movement, and reflects one of the most important world-wide movements now occurring: namely, the emergence and descent of the Integral Mind (vision-logic, centaur, post-postconventional, post-autonomous, integral-aperspectival, 2nd tier, etc.). 

This is a monumental emergence, and quite unique in all of history.  All of the earlier stages or waves of consciousness were 1st tier, meaning that each of them thought that they, and they alone, had the only true and valid values.  This lead to everything from culture wars, to oppression, to colonialism, to real wars.  But the Integral waves intuitively understand that all the waves are “true but partial”—that is, each level of consciousness has some degree of truth, goodness, and beauty, and needs to be integrated and included in a truly comprehensive and embracing worldview.  This all-inclusive worldview promises to change the world, literally, since for the first time in all of history, the predominant cultural, philosophical, and spiritual question becomes, NOT “which view is right?,” but “How can all of them be partially right and hence included?”

All of us are, in a sense, riding the emergence of this Integral wave, and thus all of us are opened to a frustrating situation—we are sort of half there, half not there.  Integral has started to emerge, but only a small percentage of the population has reached it, leaving those who have done so feeling isolated and alone—a bigger consciousness, but fewer people to share it with.  That is why gatherings like this one are so important, as like-minded, like-hearted, like-spirited people, all integrally-informed, can come together with similar souls and share an  exhilarating We-space together, resonating with each other in the deepest aspects of their own integral Being, and sharing that awareness with each other, vitalizing and regenerating each other in the process.

I am there with all of you in heart and mind and spirit, and wishing you the very best of days together that you could possibly have.  Sending all my love and light and good will to each and every one of you, I remain your friend,

Ken Wilber

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