Our grandparents in my
country, Spain, used to tell us: "learning requires blood" when
trying to teach us that without putting strong work and great effort there was
not any good learning. It is more or
less an equivalent to the English expression "spare the rod and spoil the
Today, and in the midst of the
confinement for the terrible infections and deaths caused by the COVID-19, we
are facing a reality that just one year ago would have been improbable to even
think about. Many may see this difficult
situation as a punishment for humanity's mistakes as it seems that we don't
learn the lesson. Once more the learning
is presented to us through blood, sweat and tears showing the ugly face of a
declared Pandemic that brings death, collective psychosis, maintained
unconsciousness and apocalyptic atmosphere. All of these being nurtured and
amplified by the controversial issue of the virus origin and unknown activity
as well as the massive use of communicational
technology that more than ever is being used for all kinds of conflictive opinions
and disruptive messages, including "fake news" that only pretend to
create a state of panic and continuous alarm in the world population.
There are other
ways to look at this reality that could shed some light into the lesson at
hand, because without a doubt we're going to be learning something when this is
over. Each one will learn something
different within themselves and collectively something spring as a novelty
because nobody knows how and what would it be. The most pessimistic think that
nothing will change in the large scale, defending their negative opinion about
the human race that will keep on doing the same old things when we get out of
this lockout system. The optimistic
pretend to see a change already based in the very positive human attitudes and
reactions that governments and citizens are having regarding solidarity and
appreciation and gratitude for all workers that are sustaining us in many areas
of life, being surely the most outstanding: the medical professionals.
I see myself more
in this latter position as the enthusiastic, spiritual and lively woman that I
am, tending to see the glass half full instead of half empty. But the truth is
that there is a scientific side to me that puts a question mark to all my
positive desires and proposed transpersonal intuitions. In this case my
integral equanimity brings me to a centered position where I observe what I
know, what is my wish and which are my
perceptions and at the same time what is this reality in which we're immersed
that is that "we don't know anything for good".
Going out of such
an aligned position -because if I don't go out I will just maintain silence in
the loving meditative state- I will
adopt a positive stand from the clear side of the moon in order to put my grain
of sand, shed some personal light onto the matter and thus transmit my five
cents as a contribution to the great tapestry that we're most of us creating
with our varied offers in this given pregnant momentum.
Which is the
lesson that Humanity has to learn and that seems that human beings stubbornly
don't get?
We could enter
into Esoterism to obtain some information about certain parts of Numerology and
Kabala that would tell us -among other interesting things- the deep meaning of
the Hebrew letters for COVID as well as the meaning of the number 19 and its
addition as a powerful karmic number.
But we are not going to enter into this, although I invite you -if you
have the time, motivation and curiosity- to look for the cited significance and
its potential wisdom. I prefer for now
to treat other more social, historic and even scientific themes so that most of
you may relate with the facts and comprehend the dimension of what I will
reflect upon if you want to accompany me.
Humanity has
greatly progressed from the "homo habilis" to the man on the moon and
beyond: internet, videoconferences,
smartphones and all the technological revolution of the XX and XXI century,
without forgetting the important discoveries and advancements in the fields of
Medicine, Physics, Engineering, Electronics, Neuroscience, Genetics and why not
Psychology and Sociology. But has all
that progress made us evolve1 as species? Are we really more
forbearing, understanding, conscious, caring and loving human beings? Have we
advance in the development of useful values that boost life and
co-existence? Have we opened up to
diversity? Have we really provided room in our Post-Modern society for the
development of Consciousness? Are we doing something to definitively soothe the
hunger, medical state and shelter of the needy?
Are we alleviating for good the suffering of immigrants that do not live
but just survive? When are we going to
understand that money is only paper and at the same time that we could all
reset our economic debts and start from "0"? When are we going to be
ready to improve relationships as
countries and human beings in the same planet that travels along the Solar
System? Do we already comprehend that
the authentic richness is of another magnitude, very far away from unneccesary things or mere
consumism? Are we able to take time to
see a child's deep look, the appearance of a flower in the middle of a concrete
pavement or the fact that our liver functions wonderfully? Can we recognize the heart pumping blood
without a break as a miracle? What horrible misfortune has yet to happen in
order to open our eyes to what really matters?
1 . Evolution understood as development of
Unfortunately the
response to these questions give a negative balance for the
human race. May be some voices will raise over the roar
assuring that their Association, Corporation or group is doing all of that
already: progressing and evolving at the same time. Then, I will tell them -as we very well know-
that they are among the very little of the world that do so, a merely 5% .
These voices are very few if we understand evolution as personal improvement,
social cooperation, transpersonal and value's consciousness as well as
investigation and development of human qualities and capacities integral
politics and new discoveries put to the service of others. We know about these
evolutionary probabilities but we don't have much experience as we don't put
them in practice.
The great majority
of human beings are still defending their piece of land, religion, race or
political wing… they defend their point of view without wanting to really
listen or take in account the point of view of others as the only belief and
desire is to be right. Moreover, in many
cases they defend their stand with such methods that the even Cromagnon's men
would perceive as extreme: violence, hate, judgment, slander and fragmentation.
This happens in family life, work environments and also as intestine fights
among Governments of the whole world. We
can see very clearly how progress: Yes, evolution, No. That's why we all lose.
Every human being receives such a negative energy over and over again because
is surrounded by this unconscious reality that "nobody wins" in any
area of life. Even the ones that may seem
to be the cream of the crop are very unhappy whenever they're alone in their
crystal towers. Neuroscience and Epigenetics say that the human brain has been
wired in such a negative way from infancy as the learning process is based in
NO, and in continuous limitation of actions and expressions. Once more, we
progress but don't evolve. Evolution
comes from the responsible re-wiring toward what is more useful for the many in
the biggest quantity of areas of collective life. And that is not
happening. If progress doesn't come
united with evolution we are doomed to destruction (moral, emotional, mental,
spiritual… and as we're seen physical).
We have examples
of those human created destructions in the devastating lists of non-natural
disasters at the level of individuals:
frustration, depression, anxiety, despair, fear, isolations, stress; and at a broader stand: famines, street violence, terrorism, drugs'
wars, without forgetting the great
disasters created by our own "progress" and for which we're directly
responsible: plastic isles, nuclear accidents, toxic spills, greenhouse effect,
black tides or the Darvaza pit or "door to hell" in Turkmenistan that
keeps on burning since 1971, to cite only a few.
Human beings (and
the animals and plants tha co-exist with us) have also been victims of natural
disasters like earth-quakes, plagues, tsunamis, tornados, floods, volcanoes'
eruptions, etc)… and we keep on non learning the lesson. Einstein used to say
"there are two ways of living. One in which nothing is a miracle or another
in which everything is a miracle".
What do you chose after reading all of the above? What do you think that
Humanity has chosen from that Einstein binomial? Instead of seeing life as miraculous and
learn the lesson of unity, solidarity and cooperation with a few natural
disasters ( not only for the construction of better and taller walls, buildings
or external shelters but also for the construction of an inner home that is clearly bombproof and negativityproof because is
the real self identity) we've opted for
not only suffer the natural disasters but create them ourselves (not only
inwardly in our hearts and minds but also externally in our human facilities).
Without a doubt that is due to our disintegrated advancement (progress without
evolution) from which we're seeing the consequences now in this terrible
pandemic as they're saying now that it's been manmade.
Despite all of the
above I'm very proud or my fellow beings, this Humanity to which I belong as it
is also very true that we've created marvelous things that fill the wisest
encyclopedias. We've traversed History
developing and forging unthinkable devices, services or medical discoveries
that still leave us stunned!!! And yet, we have not still conquered the
learning of "inner development", integrated wisdom and transpersonal
bliss in a collective manner, in that critic mass number that would tilt the
balance toward a real development of higher consciousness. I know that this is
utopian and unrealistic because as Ken Wilber says "there will always be
babies and adolescents" but didn't I say that I was going to go out of the
alignment with the integral stand of meditative silence? Taking the position of
the utopian I can dream that we can achieve this tilting toward the positive so
that the "evolutionary" line would reach the same level than that of "progress" and from then on start to
go parallel like the train rails.
Now with this
COVID-19 situation, we have the opportunity to find ourselves, to crown the top
of our ego to go beyond and face our own inner reality piercing the mirror. Let's reflect on the crown shape of this
elusive virus to show us that each of us are the queens and kings of our own
existence. That we can reign in our own
beautiful kingdom which is our own life. Those which have been crowned by death
know it already as well as those which are sick whenever go back to health.
Let's do the same. Let's open our eyes to this master lesson of 2020 without
the need of been infected or close to die.
Let's quicken the learning as if there would be the last warning
although we may think (because that has been the case up to now) that we can
always have another opportunity and another … and still another. But isn't
there a limit?
The fact of
staying at home, if we're responsible may favor this inner look, as being
"obliged" to stop the crazy race to nobody knows where it gives us
the chance to turn the eyes of the heart and the spirit to what really matters:
the divine and human values.
Likewise, this
coronavirus state of affairs opens up the time-space dimension (using the
terminology of Quantum Physics) in order to crown us with evolutionary
consciousness and stop seeing the positive as "pink",
"corny", "fool", or even politically incorrect, being able
to recognize that Love is not something created by us as neither is Light or
Electricity (we may only see and enjoy their effects). This unique nature of Love is the "event"
itself, "the singularity"… the true Humanity's horizon, that we're
called to trespass -no matter how afraid we are-, precisely because is unknown
and never previously experienced by Humanity at large !!! We have never undergo as human race (with all
the beauty of biodiversity) what would it happen if everyone -without
exception- would chose to love ourselves and others knowing and
recognizing the light and electricity
that we produce when we get together, embrace, touch, kiss, make love. Love
which is life in all its manifestations is the pure God's orgasm and we're
missing it when we only look outside.
Non duality is
scary because is unknown. Living in
Grace and the joy of the Spirit (where the human and the divine are the same
thing in the eyes of Love would give us the crown of life, the authentic
existence of our real identity (with the shedding of all its qualities). Epicurus said in the 3rd century BC
"Happiness is the absence of pain and fear". Therefore, stay at home: yes. Follow all sanitary recommendations: yes. Let's pray and help the infected and also
pray for those that already left us: yes.
Let's appreciate all health workers, all researchers that help with
finding a vaccine or a treatment; all ambulance, transportation and basic
service's workers as well as the politicians that are facing one of the worst situations
lived in our generation, the boomers and our children and grandchildren. All of that: yes !!! But following with Epicuro, let's not fear death, as it is the only sure
and inevitable thing that human beings share. And even though it may be in a
paradoxical and tragic manner we may see Death as a mode of lack of pain and
fear as whenever we die we will be without any of those human manifestations.
The good news is that if we learn to live with this consciousness of death as a
real companion of life, maintaining it metaphorically in our right -as the
Buddhist say- when the crucial moment arrives we will enter into the final dream
in a placid manner, giving up this wonderful body that we have been in this
earth in order to come back -light travelling- toward the Energy from where we
Thank you for
having bared with me up to here, following these reflections that I've been
impelled to share with you in these magic moments of our "joint
history". I'm very aware that it is
not the first time that we've lived a worlwide pandemic as such and at the same
time it is the very first time that the communication skills of our present
human society is humongous. We're fully
connected. Smart phones and Internet have given us the potentiality of being an
interconnected world !!! It's the first
time that there is a unique common pulse -even though is from a
negative cause- , a real togetherness in the beat of the inevitable. Now we're feeling the same floor under our
feet (our dear planet earth)… as now yes… we're feeling that we're in the same
boat,.. suffering the consequences of being all in it. We're wobbling back and
forth in the midst of the storm, not knowing when or how is going to end. The wisdom trick is to know that the storm
will eventually stop, and when it subsides, it's very probable that we may have
learnt the lesson -if only to get a pass-.
I hope so, and that's why I raise
a prayer for all our dear Humanity.